Why do people cheat? There are many theories out there of "why" but no one really understands it. It it a midlife crisis....is it money issues....is it lack of attention from your spouse?
Let's look at these "excuses" and see if we can figure this out:
Lack of attention from your spouse: Let's be honest we all want to hear nice things. With this being said if we don't hear them at home....we will listen to others. When we listen to others compliment us it can turn into something more IF we don't get the same attention at home. I once overheard a lady tell a man that he was married to a beautiful woman. The man's response: NOTHING. Not a "thank you, I know" not a "I agree" not a "and you just know the 'outside' she's even more beautiful on the inside." I walked away shaking my head at this husband. Now, to be fair to him...I don't know the dynamics of their relationship nor do I know what happened or what was said prior to this or after I walked away (after about 2 minutes) but what I do know is this: That husband missed an opportunity to make his wife's day...and he missed it. I do know this: should another man tell her she is beautiful...she will start to feel that way WITH HIM and not her husband.
Money Issues: WOW, what a relationship killer. When money is tight tension builds with both parties and things are said that we wish we could take back....but words can never be taken back NO MATTER WHAT and no matter how often a person apologizes. When there are money issues it is more important that a couple communicate with EACH OTHER. I often hear friends say, "we wouldn't have money problems if he/she would quit spending money on crap." When I hear these comments I shake my head because what is crap to one is treasure to another. When money becomes an issue it is important to decide AS A COUPLE what is "worthy" of spending money on, what essentials are needed and what are now the extravagant spending items. When money is tight....creamer for your coffee could be put into the extravagant category. Just communicate and NEVER hide money from the other.
Midlife crisis: I want to start of by saying I hate this term. It's almost a "hall pass" to do whatever you want when you want. It usually happens later in a marriage, seven+ years, and it is usually the turning point in the person's life. The truth is that we all change as we grow...and we all change as we grow older. Our priorities change, our views of life change and how we see our spouses change. It is what we DO WITH THESE changes that will determine our integrity People get married too young and have children. Who we are in our early 20's is NOT who we are in our 30's and 40's so when we marry young it's not surprising that we don't like who we are married to. The empty nest syndrome...the children leave the home for lives of their own and we are "stuck" with our spouses. This happens when the couple quit being a "couple" while raising children and only become parents.
It all starts with respect. It all ends with communication. No matter what happens if you lose one of these...your marriage could be in danger. Once once is lost...the other will soon follow and it is harder to rebuild a relationship than it is to fix a broken window.
If you have experienced any infidelity in your life; whether you are the one that was cheated on or you were the one who cheated...please tell me how you handled the situation.

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